Faculty of Fine Arts and Design
Book is out: "Localizing Design Studies: Perspectives on Turkey"

"Localizing Design Studies: Perspectives on Turkey" (Deniz Hasirci, Tuba Doğu, Deniz Avci, Gozde Damla Turhan-Haskara, Aybüke Taşer (eds.)) has just been published!
The editors would like to thank, all authors who have wholeheartedly contributed to this collective work, Director of the IUE Graduate School-Prof. Dr. Efe Biresselioğlu, Dean of Faculty of Fine Arts and Design-Prof. Dr. Ender Yazgan Bulgun, FFAD and Izmir University of Economics administration and leadership for their valuable support of the IUE Design Studies program endeavors.
The editors are grateful for the kind words of encouragement from Professor John M. Woodham and Professor Tevfik Balcıoğlu on the book cover.
This book would not have been possible without the generous support of Geert Lovink, Carolina Valente Pinto, Katja van Stiphout, Ksenia Rybak, Alice Picco, Tommaso Campagna, and the Institute of Network Cultures-Theory on Demand community. We thank the team for their guidance and effective collaboration throughout the creation of this book.
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Book is out: "Localizing Design Studies: Perspectives on Turkey"
"Localizing Design Studies: Perspectives on Turkey" (Deniz Hasirci, Tuba Doğu, Deniz Avci, Gozde Damla Turhan-Haskara, Aybüke Taşer (eds.)) has just ...
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