Biography Clive Dilnot
Clive Dilnot is currently Professor of Design Studies at New School University, New York where he teaches both design and in the University Humanities program. Previously, he was Professor of Design Studies and Director of Design Initiatives at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. He has also taught at Harvard University, in Hong Kong and in Britain, and has been a visiting Professor at the University of Technology, Sydney, the University of Illinois in Chicago and Rhode Island School of Design. Dilnot has lectured, given keynote addresses and acted as visiting critic at universities and conferences world-wide. He has written extensively on design history and theory. Recent publications include Ethics? Design? (Chicago, 2005) and a forthcoming study on design research. Outside of design, he has written on aesthetics and art theory photography (Pirelli Work, Steidl, 2006) on the decorative arts; on museums and their framing of objects and on architecture and architectural theory. He has served on the advisory board of The Journal of Design History and is now on the advisory boards of the journals Visual Communication, Design Research Quarterly, and ThRAD (Portugal). |